Thursday, January 24, 2008
I have discovered that this quarter is definetly going to be harder than last quarter. Besides taking four more units, my classes themselves are pretty challenging. I am taking philosophy, precalculus, wildlife conservation biology, and spanish. Philosophy is relatively interesting, but I know that it will challenge me in my writing abilities. So far, so good though. Next is precalculus. I know its just precalc, but trust me, it is a lot harder than the high school version. My teacher believes on loading on the homework. Not only that, but he says in tests are "challenging" and there are only two tests. When I first heard this I was estatic. Two tests sounded great to me. After thinking about it though, I realized that that means I am relying almost completely on those two tests to get me a relatively good grade. And I'm not the best test-taker. My biology class isn't hard, but extremely boring. Listening to an elderly man listing off different types of habitats at 8 am is no the most exciting thing. Everyday it gets a little harder to keep my eyes open all two hours. Lastly is spanish. Last quarter I got an extremely easy Spanish 101 teacher, which ended up to be much more of a curse than I realized at the time. I would like to blame all my current problems on her, but I know it was mostly my false. I knew that I could get away with little studying, and now I am really trying to catch up. Today was my first test in the class, and it was pretty painful. But thankfully, it is thursday night and my last class of the week is over. I will take the weekend to relax, catch up on homework, and hopefully get my mind off that test.