Over past week I had my spring break. I wasn't up for two full days of travel, nor was I really up for spending money somewhere else, so I stayed on campus. Campus was mostly empty, as most students are from the east coast and had a way of going home for ten days. Although some people were skeptical that I could make it that long without losing my mind or starving, I actually had a really nice time. I only had a few things assigned over the break, and with those aside, I had a lot of time to myself. That was nice, as the weeks prior to break had been particularly heavy on the workload, and I was in need of some time to relax. The cafeteria was closed, so I had to spend some money at the grocery store, but I was able to survive on peanut butter sandwiches, oranges, and licorice. I caught up on some novels and comics that I hadn't had time to read during the semester, as well as get back to work on personal projects that I hadn't worked on in a long while. I also made another trip to the nearby mountain I had climbed a couple weeks earlier and had a much easier time going up, as the ice had mostly melted and the temperature was still nice. The only major issue was that the buses only ran once in the morning and once in the afternoon, which meant that if I was to miss the bus, I would have been stranded in town. I wasn't up for that, or for spending that much time in town between the two bus rides, so I kept myself entertained on campus, or in the case of the mountain, with things within walking distance of campus.
Over break I also made arrangements for the end of the year with a friend of mine from home who goes to school in Vermont. Originally my parents and I had planned it that I would send all my things home via mail and keep some stuff in storage while I flew home. But my friend, as it turns out, will have a car by May, and he gets out of school only a week after I do. We'll instead be driving home from school, which should be cheaper and easier, and probably a lot better than the tedious process of waiting in airports and bus stations. For a while I felt like when we were making our plans that we were thinking a little to far ahead, but then I realized that I'm only 5 weeks away from the end of the school year, and this actually wasn't so far away. That said, however, these next five weeks will probably the toughest of the semester, as I'll have go through the arduous process of writing long final papers, and giving presentations.