Thursday, February 4, 2010

The February Fight

The month of February is now here and I feel that my grades are only getting better and better. The fact that I am studying a lot more than I was last quarter is significantly showing in my grades. I am shooting for a higher GPA this quarter so that I can continue to challenge myself to get better. My teachers are really helping me out and I think that they have a big part in my success. I hope that they only give me more support as the quarter goes on especially as midterms get closer. Its hard to believe that spring break is next month and that the quarter is about half way over. I plan to stay focused even though the thought of break is nice. My social life only continues to get better and I am meeting new people pretty much everyday. The Men's basketball team is doing well and they have a tough game against Syracuse on Sunday that I plan on attending. Everything is good. I just have to keep enduring the February fight until break gets here.