This summer has inched by, the count down from college going from two months to two weeks at a snails pace. It is strange to realize that now I have only one day left before I leave for college, for the day never did seem like it would truly arrive. For so long the fall has seemed like another world away, one that would never actually come. However, tonight I am facing the truth that I only have two more nights in my bed (a fact that I would never mention to my mom). Though I had planned this time to be relaxing and comforting, it has turned out to be no such thing. My list of things to do is growing exponentially, and I am starting to realize how many details I have overlooked. Tomorrow my main goal is packing my clothes, which actually requires a moderate amount of planning. I have to make sure none of my favorite items are stowed away, unable for me to reach in the next few days. My wardrobe must be planned so that I don’t end up digging through all my boxes and bags for that favorite Gap t-shirt!
Over the last few days, I have continually gone over the plan for my move. I will arrive at the dorms in the morning, meet my room mate, unpack my basic things, and then say goodbye to my parents for the day. The rest of the day is a mystery to me. I hope to start making friends and get to know my room mate. The next morning I will show my parents my newly decorated room, have breakfast with them, and then say a tearful goodbye. I wish I could say that I wouldn’t cry, but I know myself well enough to be certain that I will. My only comfort is that my room mate seems close to her parents as well and will hopefully understand and sympathize with my red, swollen eyes. Although I have carefully drawn this plan for move-in weekend, I know that the next few days will fly by in a whirl of sadness, confusion, and excitement.