Friday, September 21, 2007


It hasn't taken long for me to realize that thursdays at my campus are a sort of celebration. The majority of students do not have classes on fridays, which is reason enough for this rush of excitement. After a long first week of school, I was ready for such a break from college. A definite strain has been over me this week, learning the temperments of my teachers, getting to know what they expect of me, and adjusting to college life. Unlike high school where I spent the majority of my time in class, I am only in a lecture for two to four hours a day. Unfortunately, this just means that more of my school time is done in my dorm room. I have had to learn how to study with the tv on, the radio on, and numerous other distractions. Needless to say, it was quite a relief to end the week. The way that students on my campus celebrate this closing of the week is not just through the usual frat parties and drunken nights. The town surrounding the campus is know as a college town and holds a very busy Farmers' Market every thursday night. So after my last class at 7pm, my friends and I took the bus downtown. It felt wonderful just to be reminded that there is a world outside of my campus. I have had to go through major readjustments this week, from learning how to study for my first quiz to learning how to block out MTV on the screen in front of me. I have had to realize that college is not just for social reasons and that I need to find a balance. Although this week was exhausting, it was also rewarding and memorable.