Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Loving College
I love college. I love my schedule, my dorm room, the great friends I am making. But most of all, I just love how people can be themselves. Tonight my dorm hosted an Open Mic Night, where people could just go up to the mic and sing, read poetry, play an instruent, or anything else they wanted. Now in high school, this would never work. A few "band geeks" would show up and play, and no one would be there to watch them. No one would dream of reading poetry, much less some they had written. But tonight was different. A few people got up to sing and play the guitar. A music major sang an aria she was learning for class, an RA sang harmony to Amazing Grace. One guy even read his poetry off of his Mac. It was great. There is no cool kid in college. If you like who you are and are confident in yourself, you are cool. If you drink, you are definitely not alone. But if you don't, you will find that a vast majority of students will respect your decision. If you are an athlete, good for you. But being an artist, a musician, or just plain smart is great as well. I really think that there are few places as accepting as a college campus. Which brings me back to my first point: I love it here.