Tuesday, October 23, 2007

My Visit Home

Last weekend was my first trip home since I moved in here, and it was so nice! I hadn't realized how much I missed everything. It was so weird to come back and find everything, or nearly everything, just as I had left it. One of the things I enjoyed most was having dogs again. I have 4 of them, so it was weird going from a ton of animals to none. Another thing I enjoyed was a regular shower. I can not explain how good it feels to shower without flip flops after 6 weeks of doing so. Eating home cooked food was another highlight. My campus has a pretty good campus dining system, with plenty of choices and different places to eat. Despite that, I grew tired of the food within my first 3 weeks here. Once I was home, a part of me really didn't want to come back. It was so nice to be back in my comfort zone, to have space to spread out, and just to be in my own bed again. But when I got back on campus, I was suprised that I felt similar to how I did when I got home. I was back to what had become normal to me, back to all my new friends and new surrondings that are starting to feel less and less new. I have to say the one definite drawback of being back on campus is the pile of work stacked up on my desk!