Friday, March 7, 2008


For the majority of my freshman year, I have been dreaming about when my friends and I could move out of the dorms and get our own apartment or house. Its not like I don't enjoy the dorms; I wouldn't trade this year for anything. You are constantly surrounded by a group of people going through the same point in their lives as you are. Yet that is also why it will by nice to live somewhere else; you are not surrounded by people 24-7. So, probably two months ago, the three friends that I will room with and I decided that it was time to start planning next year. We really had our hearts set on the new on-campus apartments being opened this coming year, but the lottery system was against us. Now, we are in the position that the majority of the freshmen class is in: finding a house or apartment before everyone else does. Pressure's on. However, for all the stress that will undoubtedly go into finding a house for next year, it is all very exciting. Living in a house with three great girls. Sounds pretty great. So, today we are going to look at our first one. I have no idea where to even start. What questions do I ask? What is a good price? I guess I'll just learn as I go.