Saturday, March 1, 2008

My Weekend

So, my weekend has been quite eventful so far. I ended the week with what I thought would be a fun night of line-dancing. One of the popular night clubs in town opens their doors for minors on Thursday nights and has line-dancing. I had been hearing about it for a few months and my friends and I finally decided it was time to go. Just as we got out of the car though, my sister (who was driving) announced to the group that she had locked her keys in the car. With the AAA card. So, we didn't really end up going line-dancing. Instead we waited for an hour as we sorted out how to get AAA without our card and them waiting for AAA to come and save us from the cold parking lot. Surprisingly though, it was actually not that bad. The four of us that went ended up just talking and telling jokes for the hour. It made me realize how its the little things that really add up to building friendships and creating a memorable first year (I know, I know, cliche). Today, one of the Christian groups on campus that I belong to, Campus Crusade, had a service day. A group of about twenty of us went to a senior center and helped with landscaping. Now, I'm not really a big outdoorsy person, so I wasn't looking at this as something that was going to be exceedingly fun. Yet again though, I was proven wrong. It was just so nice being able to meet more people in Campus Crusade and begin to feel like a true part of the group. Now however, I do have to start focusing and get some homework done...