Sunday, April 27, 2008


So, for lots of my friends, midterms are coming up. Thankfully, mine are all still a few long weeks away. I am extremely talented at pushing those sort of dates out of my mind until it is absolutely necessary that I start remembering them. So instead of studying, I have been able to enjoy a relaxing weekend. This Saturday my friends and I decided to do something a little more productive with our time than sleeping in until 11. Instead, we woke up early and went kayaking in a bay about 15 minutes from campus. Sometimes it is just so nice to get off campus and remember that there is another world out there that is not focused on midterms and essays. While out, I successfully stayed dry, took multiple pictures without dropping the camera in the ocean, and even saw an otter! Very exciting. The rest of the weekend has been pretty relaxed though. I have watch way too many online episodes of Lost and Standoff to mention without embarrassing myself and have spent a nice chunk of time on facebook. Sadly though, the weekend is about to end, which means that I should start thinking about doing my laundry and finishing the rest of my homework.