Saturday, April 19, 2008

Open House

This weekend is open house, which has ended up being a blast. One of my friends from home has decided to come to the same school as me, so she came down to visit this weekend. I had a lot of fun showing her around and having her stay in my dorm. It is weird to think about the difference between where I was last year at this time and where I am now. I remember coming to open house and being so overwhelmed as I followed my mom through all the activities. I was so worried about making friends and getting plugged in, but now I realize I had nothing to worry about. Today I worked at booth for Campus Crusade and it made me realize how far I've come since this time last year. Even though I am still meeting new people and trying out new things, it is a great feeling to know that I have an awesome group of friends and that college feels like a second home to me. Today I was able to talk with new freshmen about joining Campus Crusade and I realized how much I love being here. I definitely made the right decision and I'm so glad.