Thursday, January 10, 2008

Back From Break

After a four hour drive and about 6 trips from my car to my dorm room lugging my many duffel bags, I am unpacked and back at school. I just finished my first week of classes, and discovered that they are challenging and only slightly painful. I am especially worried about my math class. My professor doesn't seem like the best teacher out there and warned us that he had "intense" tests. "Intense" is the last thing I want my math tests to be described at. To say the least, the subject isn't my forte. Besides classes, it was harder than I expected to get back into the swing of things. Coming back from four weeks at home was harder than I anticipated, and the first night back I was truly homesick for the first time. I would have thought that I would have been more homesick when I first came in the fall, but I wasn't. However, the next day was Monday and through new classes and catching up with friends I was able to get my mind off lazy days watching LOST and playing ping-pong with my family. Everyday this week got a little better and now I feel pretty much on track. My classes, though hard, don't seem impossible and this weekend is looking wonderful. I will probably go to the town's farmer's market tonight and then go look at prospective on-campus apartments tomorrow or Saturday.