Friday, January 18, 2008


All you want to do in high school is to have independence. You first get it with your own car. After that first little taste of it though, you are pretty much without it until college. Independence is great right? Right...I guess. At the moment I am not so sure. Those things that my parents used to do for me is now left entirely up to me. And I'm not talking about the cool things. Things like finding a drycleaner, restringing a cello bow, or planning my schooling so I can do a semester abroad. The nitty-gritty details that used to just figure themselves out. First is the drycleaner. During winter break I bought this great sweater, not really caring that it had to be drycleaned. Now that it is up to me to get the sweater to the drycleaner though, it is a whole different story. Realistically, I probably won't get it there for at least a month. Secondly is the cello. After a year of wanting to play it, I have finally decided to do so. However, that means that I have to find a teacher and someone to fix the bow. So I have done what my mom used to do for me: take the initiative and actually find a teacher and someone that restrings bows. And lastly, I have decided that I want to study abroad next year. This means I have to decide where I want to go, make sure I am on track with classes, and actually apply to go. This is going to take major planning and talking with my advisor. So, this semester, besides studying philosphy and spanish, I am learning to be more independent and responsible...yikes.