Thursday, December 18, 2008

A Feeling of Relief

What is a girl to do when she has no classes, no finals and no work she can do? Most people would say sleeping, hanging out with friends, and getting ready for Christmas. People who know me however, know that I am going to my favorite place: The doctor's office. I have to go get a two hour test done today. I did see several of my friends last night though. I took my last two finals yesterday. Most of my finals were better than I expected. Of course Spanish made up for all of the other exams. It was seventy-five multiple choice questions and three essays in an hour and fifteen minutes. My theatre exam was fifty multiple choice questions and a three to four page essay and we only had fifty minutes to complete the exam. Needless to say my essay was not long enough. 
Grades do not have to be posted until January 2nd and I have a feeling some of my grades will not be posted until the last minute. 
Now that this semester is over I have been looking to next semester. I changed my schedule again. I am taking macroeconomics instead of biomedical ethics because I need to take it for one of the schools I want to transfer to. Also all of the schools I am going to will only accept 66 credits so I cannot double major. That means I will be done after next fall. Enough about the future though I am going to enjoy my time off. I do not go back until January 21st. I am sure I will have many adventures over break because everyday is an adventure! Happy holidays everyone. I hope everyone has a safe and enjoyable holiday.