Friday, December 5, 2008

Two Weeks of Hibernation

I am sorry that I have not posted in so long. Finals are coming and that means an insane amount of work. I am sure anyone who has been through college can relate. That is why I have decided for the next two weeks I am going into a state of semi-hibernation. I plan on sleeping, studying, showering tutoring in Spanish and writing papers. This week has been so busy in part because I have been tutoring in Spanish at my high school everyday after classes. If I tutor for a minimum of twelve hours I can get up to five points added on my final grade and I will take any points I can get in that class. Also I have two papers to write for my theatre class that are due by the end of the semester, an English department exam that all students in English 101 had to take. I took it today. It was easy ! Unfortunately, my final essay for English, an argumentation essay about who I am does not sound like it will be so easy. The good thing about this essay is that it has sparked debate between my friends and I. We have now decided to pick a topic and debate it weekly. It was one of the most stimulating conversations I have had all semester. That is another difference about college. I feel like I learn more from conversations with my peers than I do from the textbooks. Mr. W they  remind me of our homeroom chats, which I miss very much. My friends and I might cancel our discussion for this coming week due to our workloads.  I have a psychology exam on Monday, but I have missed several classes due to doctor's appointments and tutoring. Thankfully, the professor gets most questions from the book so all I have to do is read the chapter. My friend who is still in high school can not understand why I am always doing work. He says I must procrastinate. Not matter how early I start on assignment I feel like I am always buried in work. This is another major difference between high school and college, one I was not prepared for. In addition to all of the work I have to complete I also have to complete three community service or cultural activities before the end of the semester in order to remain in the honors program. I tried to complete one today. Talk about an adventure. This week was National AIDS week. They were supposed to show the film Angels in America. I went to the room where the film  was supposed to be shown. There was no one there. I talked to a secretary, who set up the movie for me. I watched the beginning of the film by myself. The film was six hours long and difficult to follow. Needless to say I did not watch the whole thing. You have no idea how uncomfortable it is to watch a film by yourself in a huge conference room. What I don't do to fulfill my requirements! That is enough ranting for one entry. I hope everyone had a good week and is enjoying their own adventure because everyday is an adventure.