Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Almost Done!

It seems so strange to think about, but I have about a week and a half until spring break, and after that there's onl a month and a half until school's done for the year! This year has gone by soo incredibly fast, I can't believe it. I can't wait until summer, because then I'll be home, won't have to do any school work etc, but I know I'm going to miss it here like crazy. My friends and I already have talked about taking a road trip back here to stay with one of my friends and hang out for a weekend.
Well last week wasn't too exciting, but I did realize why I felt like I hadn't been doing anything so far this semester. Three out of my five classes are huge lecture halls, unlike last semester where I only had one. So in those classes, you generally don't get assigned homework, your grade is just based solely on about four tests throughout the semester. The only test that I've taken so far was a Psychology test and I got a C on it; not too happy about that. As of now I'm majoring in Psychology and I have to get a 2.5 GPA in all my Psych classes before I apply to the school and last semester I got a C overall, so it would really help if I got a B or higher this semester, so I have to do a lot better on my next one.