Friday, March 14, 2008

This Coming Week

So finals are almost here. I absolutely can't wait. I made the mistake of taking all general ed classes this quarter. It seemed like a good idea at the time; just getting a bunch of bad classes out of the way. Wrong. It has just made this quarter much more stressful. It was an amazing feeling when I walked out of my math class for the last time. Except for the final of course. As much as I know I need to study for the coming week, I am having a hard time getting myself to. I have three friends coming up this weekend, which is just going to make it harder. Luckily, most of my finals are later in the week. And after that, spring break. It might only be ten days, but I am so excited. I just can't wait for a break from classes and stress. So yesterday, to start my early weekend, I went to farmer's market and then took part in a bridge-making contest. It was interesting to say the least. My friend is an RA in the engineering dorm, so she put on the bridge event for her residents. Three of us friends decided to join in, and made a marshmallow bridge. Needless to say, it was pretty sad compared to the engineering students' bridges. Tonight, I'm going to go see one of my friends perform in a concert, go get cake at an ideal coffee shop downtown, and then come back and watch a few hours of Friends.