Friday, November 14, 2008


All I can say is TGIF. This week has been full of projects, papers and test. Unfortunately, it looks like this will be the pattern until the end of the semester. I have been working on a five page paper for my Spanish class for over a month now and I am still not done. I have written the paper in English and am now translating into Spanish. Translation takes me forever! There is also my theatre class where I have to pretend to be a designer meaning I have to design a set and costumes and do the lighting for my own version of Hansel and Gretel. This is a major challenge for non creative people like myself. Finally there is the English paper I have to write for Monday. The topic is what is my definition of the American Identity. Professionals can not even come up with a clear definition for this phrase. How exactly am I supposed to? Especially since I can't even figure out my own individual identity let alone a single identity for the entire country. Whoever said community college was so much easier than a four year institution never went to community college!
Another challenge at community college besides academics is extracurricular activities. I have found difficultly getting back to school for them. One reason is lack of motivation to wait at school for an extra hour just for the meeting to begin. The other reason is difficulty getting a ride back to school to attend the meeting. Community college is certainly not what I expected. I should not be surprised though because no adventure ever is and everyday is an adventure!