Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Thank You Thanksgiving

With Thanksgiving only about two weeks away, the timing for this break couldn't be any better. I have enjoyed myself down here and feel that I will continue to be successful if I keep thinking straight. I went to the football game again this past Saturday and it was sweet. We almost lost, but I am glad that the Bearcats pulled it off in the last quarter. I also went to the men's basketball game last Thursday and it was pretty good. Our team won and i feel that we can do somethings in the Big East this year. I am looking forward to going to as many games as I can so I can support the Cats. Overall, I have had good experinces with all the events that I have attened throughout the school year so far this year.

My schoolwork is going well and with half of the quarter almost already over, I am starting to study for some of my final exams. In most of my classes I do have an exam and I plan to be well prepared for them because I know they can have a big influence on my grade positively and negatively. I am hoping for the best and feel that if I go over certain topics with my professors for clarification then I will be in good shape. I am plan on scheduling my next quarter classes on Thursday morning and I like the way my schedule looks for the winter. I think i can be very successful and productive in the classes that I will be taking. In the mean time, like I said the timing for Thanksgiving break is perfect, it is going to be nice to be home considering the fact that I have not been there since the day I moved in. Thank you Thanksgiving!