Saturday, February 28, 2009

College Should be Cancelled Anytime the Temperature is Above Fifty

Where does the time go? Probably the same place my motivation went. Out the window. I wish I could go to two classes and dedicate my time and effort to them.  They are Political Science and English. All of my other classes seem pointless, especially math. The professor is a great guy, but his voice is so monotone it is a struggle just to stay awake. My friend meets me by the elevator every class and convinces me that I should go. His job is only going to get tougher as the weather gets nicer. There is a park right next to campus and I love taking afternoon naps in the sun. This park plus math plus nice weather equals a disaster waiting to happen in terms of my attendance. This of course is only in my dreams because I would feel so guilty if I cut class, but boy is it tempting. Just a quick story. Last week my stress management teacher told us to clear our desk. I put my books on the ground. This was a bad idea since I would forget my head if it was not attached to my body. I'm sure you can guess what happened. I forgot them. When I went back to class two days later to get them they were gone. When I went to class  this Wednesday I asked a student if she had picked them up as she was in the classroom after me. When she said she hadn't I figured the books were gone forever. Fifteen minutes into class a security guard came in the room. I figured he was coming to tell us class was cancelled since the professor still had not shown up. Instead he said "Is anyone in this class missing books?" I guess it was my lucky day since everything was exactly how I left it. For once I avoided an adventure rather then going on a wild goose chase to find the books. This is surprising as everyday is an adventure.