Thursday, February 19, 2009

They Told Me I Would Change My Mind

This week has been full of flashbacks. Surprise quizzes, moving students to the front of the room so they pay attention, me being quiet for two hours in order to prove a point... o wait that has never happened before and my personal favorite the conversations where people told me that I would change my mind about my career, a minimum of three times. I had always thought that people were wrong about the last one, especially since I had wanted to do something with the law since I could remember. It turns out I was wrong. I am taking a math class and the current chapter is logic. My professor is constantly saying how lawyers take numerous logic courses as it is the basis for their career. I hate it. I don't want to use complex, verbose language just to get what I want. I don't want to try to persuade people to agree with my point of view, but rather come together to find solutions to complex global problems in hopes of making other people's lives better. If anyone knows a career that fits these objectives please let me know. It looks like my college career will be full of work and adventure if I change my major. This is not surprising as everyday is an adventure!