Tuesday, February 3, 2009

New Semester

New classes started on Thursday, and I've already dropped one class and registered for another. It was a class on Visual Culture, which was supposed to be kind of a prerequisite for film classes, but I knew from the instructor's introduction and reading the syllabus that there was no way I was going to enjoy it. I saw phrases like "representation in media" and the dreaded "postcolonialism," so I decided that it would be in my best interest to not endure the same nonsense as my Postcolonialism class last semester. I immediately dropped that class and registered for The History of Love and Dating in the US, which sounded much more interesting. I've only taken one class of it so far, and all we did was watch Woody Allen's "Annie Hall", which is one of my favorite movies. I glanced over the syllabus, and it seems like a far better class than the Visual Culture. I'm also in Journalism in Crisis, Writing Fiction About Families, and Local Food Systems. The first two are two topics I'm very interested in and I've already really enjoyed taking. The last one is simply a requirement fulfillment, but the professor seems great and the topic is more approachable science subject than, say, Human Gene Cloning. I'm liking how, compared to my last semester's beginning, this has been much less hectic. Starting last semester was tough because I was not only taking new classes, but adjusting to a new way of living entirely. Now that all I really have to worry about is new classes and buying books, I'm finding the transition much simpler. I also have a feeling that this semester will be considerably easier than the last one, in terms of the reading and writing I'll have to do. The jury's still out on Local Food Systems though - I've never been one for science, so I hope it won't be too complicated.