Sunday, April 26, 2009

The End is Nigh

The end of the school year has come on rather sudden. I'll be done with classes on Thursday, and I've already finished the majority of my final papers, and all that's really left is a few revisions before I'm entirely finished with this semester. Then, after that it's just a matter of figuring out where to store some things and what stuff I need to send home before I pack up and head home for the summer. It'll be nice to finish things up here, and be able to relax for a few months - though I'll definitely have to get a job when I get home.
My friends and I figured out where we'll be living next semester. While many soon-to-be-second-year students try to move out of the dorms and into the campus houses, we decided that process - a tedious, week-long auction inexplicably referred to as a lottery - would warrant more stress than it was worth, especially when the odds of actually ending up in a house are very slim for a group made up entirely of first-years. So, we instead opted to "buy" rooms in the dorm I'm currently living in, where my friend will be the intern (the closest thing this school has to an RA). Though we'll have to put up with another year of the dreaded cafeteria food, staying in the dorms will be nice, especially since they're much closer to the academic buildings than the houses. The strange thing about our arrangement, however, is that in our group of 8, 3 of us may not be returning here next year, and they won't have actually figured out if they were accepted into their transfer schools until mid-May, a few weeks after school is out. So, far all I know, the day I leave could be the last time I see those guys, and from the way they talk about transferring, it sounds pretty likely. I know this school is not for everyone, so it's understandable that they're leaving, but I hope I get to see these guys after this year.