Sunday, April 12, 2009

Figuring it out

I registered for next fall's classes, and it turned out much better than I thought it was. Though I was initially frustrated that there was hardly any classes that fit what I was planning on doing, I talked with my advisor and he pointed me in the right direction, and showed me a bunch of classes that will complement my planned course of study. As of right now, I'm registered for a class on Writing Childhood, which is a combination of writing and child psychology; Staging America, which is about contemporary American playwriting; Cultural Citizenship, which is about power systems in American media; and Antisemitism, which is about exactly what the class title suggests. All these classes should help me figure out the writing/history angle of what I plan on studying. It was just a matter of knowing where to look to find what I wanted.
I finished one of my finals for this semester already, and when I finished that presentation I realized how near I was to the end of the semester, and moreover, the end of my first year of college. Of course, I've still got two more major papers to put together and some revisons to do as well, but I've got less than three weeks left of this. As much as I love it here, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't looking forward to getting done here and going home.