Wednesday, April 15, 2009

One Problem Many Solutions

If you ask any college student what his/her biggest problem is with under a month of classes left I guarantee ninety five percent will give you the same answer: STRESS. It is inevitable regardless of the college you go to, the major your in, or what year you are. Over the past week I have observed numerous coping strategies. They include, but are certainly not limited to, yelling at everyone you see, not speaking to anyone, consuming enormous amounts of junk food and coffee, crying, and my personal favorite threatening to drop out. However the good news is that I am still enrolled and that I have figured out what I want to do with my life. I want to be a judge. Anyone who knows me is probably yelling, duh, you have wanted to do that since you were eight years old and it is about time you realized it.  In my defense it only took me a year at college to figure it out which is pretty good if I do say so myself.  The next question is whether I want to finish at community after next semester or do another full year. I guess I have to figure that out soon since I have to pick my classes at the end of April. Although it thrills me that the semester is ending it also worries me that I only have three weeks left to finish all of my work. I might have to combine all of the coping strategies mentioned above to make it with my sanity or maybe I will just take it day by day and remember that everyday is an adventure!