Friday, April 11, 2008


So the whole housing ordeal is finally behind me. Today I turned in the paperwork that guarantees me a spot in the new apartments on campus. It has been quite a process, starting in February. The four of us girls that are living together first decided that we wanted to live in the new on-campus apartments that are opening this coming fall. After getting ourselves all excited though, we ended up not getting in. Because there were so many people that applied for the apartments, a lottery process was made to see who would get in. Sadly, are names were not picked. So after mourning our bad luck for about two weeks, we started searching for off-campus condos and houses. We found one that was really nice, but also quite pricey. Plus, there was still a chance that we could get in the campus apartments because we were wait-listed. We finally decided to risk it and just see if we could get in from the wait-list. The whole things was pretty stressful. Off-campus housing goes really fast, so we didn't want to get to the point where we couldn't find anywhere decent to live. About two weeks ago though, the four of us all got in to the apartments and we turned in our contracts today. Finally, the process of finding a place is over. It was weird though. Except for advice from parents, this was something that we all had to do independently. It wasn't like our parents could drive the four hours to see the potential places and decide for us. So this is just one more step to becoming the "independent person" that I am supposed to be in college. I wonder if its working... :)