Friday, May 9, 2008

Almost the End

With only five weeks left in the quarter, it has really hit me that this year in the dorms is really going to end. Yes, I am excited. Living with three great girls in an apartment next year is going to be great. At the same time, it will be really weird leaving the dorms. Packing up my room will be so sad. It has been such a big part of this year and my overall experience. Plus, next year my roommate won't be coming back. Instead, she is going to a college closer to her home. Its not like we hang out all the time, but I can't imagine never seeing her again. We have spent this whole year together, getting to know all the weird quirks that we have. It just seems odd that there is a good possibility I will never see her again. After reading this, it probably seems like I am depressed for the end of the year. Trust me though, I'm not. Sure, there will be sad parts, but summer sounds wonderful. And afterwards, I will be a sophomore. I have loved my freshman year, but honestly am so glad that I don't have to do it again. I love that I have a place here now, with friends and traditions.