Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Relief at Last

This week, like most, is flying by. I am finally done with my midterms and papers (for a week or so, at least), hence the title of this blog. I think I did fairly well on all of them, which is nice. It is always a horrible feeling to end a test and feel sure that you didn't do well.
This weekend I am going home with a friend, which is exciting. I love meeting my friends parents and seeing how similar they are. It will be interesting to see her home and town considering I've only known her here at school. When we are down there she is going to take me sailing, which should be fun. I'm a little afraid that going to her house will make me want to go home, so I am glad that the school year is almost over.
It is weird to think that in a few weeks I will be leaving school (and with it all my wonderful friends here!) for several months. Still, I am getting ready for a long break. I am also getting very excited because summer means the Renaissance National Conference (I had to put that in there) which is always exciting!