Friday, October 17, 2008

I Wish I Was a Mind Reader

This week has been ridiculous. I wrote a ten page play for my theatre class. The professor hated it because she said it was to long. My problem: she said it had to be approxamately ten pages. She also said it should only be ten minutes. I don't know about all of you but I have never written a play. I hate watching and reading plays for that matter so I did not know how to write one and she gave no instruction whatsoever. That is one of my biggest pet peeves of college. Most professors expect students to be mind readers and to know what to do and how to do it without any explanation I had a similar experience in english. The professor has not followed the course outline for about three weeks and we are behind by an entire paper. He got angry at the class because no one read a selection for Monday's class that was on the course outline but he made no mention of it in the previous class. Classes would be much less confusing if professors would just stick to the course outline. Psychology is very similar. The professor never covers all the material he wants to so we are always behind. Monday he gave us a packet and told us to bring it class complete on Wednesday. He also told us we would need our books for Wednesday. I lugged my textbook around for four hours and he didn't even get to the material. The best part is that we have a test Monday and some of the questions come straight from the packet. That is enough complaining for now though. For the funny story of the week. PS mom if you are reading you might not think it is funny. I had to go back to school today to take a World Civilization exam. My friend who was at school was taking me home. Now usually when I go to school I take my walker but that only fits in vans so I took my crutches. My friend's class was done at three. I got done my test around two-thirty so I decided to walk to the building where her class was. I know what you are thinking I got lost right? No, I am actually getting pretty good with the layout of the campus. I got to the building which happened to be the school of nursing and.... I fell. There was a lip on the step and my crutch got caught and down I went! I guess I picked the best place on campus to fall because there was about ten people there to help me within seconds. The campus police had to come and file an accident report it was not my best moment. I guess I should not be surprised though because in my life everyday is an adventure!