Monday, October 6, 2008

If College was Like this all the Time I Would Not Mind Going!

Where to begin? I know this blog is supposed to simply be for my college experience but there are many things that influence my experience. One is the amount of sleep I get. I am a worry wart and do most of my worrying at night. This week has already been full of worry. One of my best friends got surgery today, (love you) another just got cleared by the doctor to return to physical activity(hooray team mom is back) and another has to go back in the hospital for cancer treatment(you are an inspiration).  I just wanted to let you all know I was thinking about you and I ask everyone to put these three people in your prayers. 
Now for the actual day. I got to do one of the coolest assignments of my educational career today. I have to write a ten minute play for my theater class. In order to get possible scenarios the professor told us to go anywhere on campus and observe others. Then we had to use our own experiences and creativity to make inferences in their lives. It made me feel a connection to people I did not even know. Then I went to english and I found out that according to college or at least my professor's standards no one in my class knew how to write a good opening.  I do have to give kudos to my Jr. AP Language& Composition teacher because I was the only one who knew what he was talking about when he discussed rhetoric and the different types of writing.
Sometimes it is good to be the only one. For example I was the only one to get an A on my psychology test. It is the test that I wrote about in my last update with the paragraph for each question and my first college exam. It was pretty exciting.
I must say that another myth about community college is that it is always bad being close to home. I found out this week it is nice being close to family for comfort and being able to be there physically for friends. This week has just begun and I am looking forward to the adventures ahead because everyday is in adventure!
P.S. Title contributed by my sister.