Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Period of Adjustment

It is only Tuesday and I am already counting down the days until Friday. Today I had to walk down three flights of stairs because the elevator wasn't going to floor one. It wasn't until after my downstairs class that I realized if I had rode down to the second floor I could have taken another elevator and arrived at my desired destination. Another brilliant move by me Not! I feel like the only thing I have learned since I have begun college is that I am always wrong! This is a very difficult concept to grasp for a perfectionist like myself. I still have not gotten an A on anything in World Civilization, My spanish professor told me I did terrible on my oral evaluation and I did not know any of answers to the first six questions on my psychology exam. The worst part of these grade troubles is I feel so crunched for time. You only have fifteen weeks to get an A in a college course where as in high school you have an entire year to adjust. I guess my best bet is to do the best I can and focus on next semester. I met with my honors advisor and tentatively picked my classes today for next semester and I am actually looking forward to it. I will probably be taking a political science course, biomedical ethics, english, 102, world civilization, spanish 202 and a math course. It will definitely be an adventure with six classes but at least they will be classes I enjoy. I may have to post again this week if I have another adventure like today. In my case I will most likely be writing again soon because everyday is an adventure!