Wednesday, February 20, 2008

What I Didn't Know

On Thursday my university is inviting sophomores to come an visit and to spend the day with a college freshman living in the dorms. Although i am not hosting, I know some people who are, and this got me thinking. One year ago, I knew just about as much about college as the students coming tomorrow. What do I know now that I didn't then.? So I made a list of these things to help enlighten those who are slightly bewildered at the thought of college.
1. You actually have to go to school. Unfortunately, college is not just a place to live and hang out. This truth came crashing down on me early in the first quarter.
2. There are no longer "cool kids" in college. Yes, some are more physically or intellectually blessed than others, but no matter how much of an outcast you were in high school, chances are you will find a group in your new university.
3. All dorms rooms have a distinctive smell, each one different than the other. I know this is an odd observation, but it comes to mind as I am sitting here typing in my mysterious smelling room.
4. Chances are, you will no longer be one of the smartest kids in the class. Remember, everyone sitting in that room got admitted the same way you did.
5. Having a room mate is not as bad as it is made out to me. Yes, I have heard some horror stories, but my room mate and I get along really well.
6. It is absolutely essential to have a facebook. Without one, you are practically socially isolated. This is coming from the girl whose myspace expired senior year because she didn't go on it in months.
7. It will actually start to feel like a home away from home. I know that that sounds cliche, but it is true. When I come back to my school after being away for the weekend, I no longer readjust. I get back to normal.