Friday, February 8, 2008

Winter Quarter

Winter quarter is definetly different from Fall Quarter. The fall was all about making new friends, getting an idea of college classes, and finding my place in this new college world. Its so different from high school, and it definetly takes some getting used to. It seems like every night there is something else to do where you can meet new people and get to know the town. Its almost as if you are desperate to meet as many people as possible, increasing the odds that you will really connect with a few of them. Coming back from Christmas though, the social atmosphere is definetly more relaxed. For the most part, people have found their niche and are happy to develop current friendships instead of desperately collecting more. Instead of going out every night on the weekends, its nice to play games in the dorms or just watch a movie. Winter quarter is also going a lot faster. I just took two of my midterms, and the quarter is almost half over. This is kind of nice, knowing that I am that much closer to spring break and new classes (I'm not too fond of my current ones). At the same time though, a fast quarter means I am that much closer to finals. Anyway, I've found that not every quarter will bring similar experiences. And even though I loved the excitement and newness of fall quarter, I am glad that that part of the year is over, and I can relax a bit and get to know the people around me better.