Thursday, September 18, 2008

A Whole New World

Please note that I wrote these first few blogs weeks ago when I first learned that I would be doing this. I was very excited and couldn't wait to start. I have officially finished my first week of college and I loved it. For anyone who knows me this probably comes as a shock. There are so many advantages that I didn't even think of when I was in high school. Once professors are done teaching students are allowed to leave regardless of the time. Professors provide you with a syllabus for the entire semester the first day. This is great for someone like me who is pretty active as it allows me to complete the work when it is convenient for me. The most significant difference between college and high school is that I can go home between classes- provided of course that I have a ride. This makes my everyday pain much less severe.
The next myth that I want to disprove about attending community college is that it is grade 13 and you will know everyone. I was the girl that knew everyone in high school I knew every member of the class of 2008. I walked into my first college class and knew one person out of about twenty-five. I have about six people I went to school with in all of my classes combined. So don't think you won't have the opportunity to meet new people and create a new you.
I don't have any major adventure this week but I did have a few close calls. For example, I thought the elevator was broken and my class was on the third floor or when I walked into my theatre class and all the chairs were on risers. I also got lost and called my sister for directions. Despite these minor mishaps I managed to be on time for every class. Quite an accomplishment if I do say so myself. Now I have to go do some work remember everyday is an adventure.

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