Thursday, September 25, 2008

"Real College"

It is five o'clock in the morning so forgive me if I rant. Remember how much I loved college? Well that must have been  "fake" college where there were not many papers and there were not test covering a minimum of three chapters or quizzes every other day! College was a place to have discussions about "real" issues for the sake of learning not for just grades. That idea has officially ended and so does my stress free experience. I find myself getting more nervous taking college test than I ever did taking high school test. I find that my hands literally shake and my words are unclear for oral presentations. Nervousness just makes my cp worse as my body will tense up and my muscles will not work. If anyone has any suggestions on how to overcome this nervousness they would be appreciated. Enough about the bad parts of the college experience. There are many events outside the classroom that are intellectual stimulating. For example I went to a political discussion on campus with the guest speaker being a professor from Georgetown. Also the campus is hosting a lecture series or Christianity, Islam and Judaism that I plan to attend. This brings me to my next myth about community colleges. They do not have courses for extremely "gifted" students. This is a fallacy. My school has an honors program. Not only do students in this program have to take a minimum of four honors classes during their two years and maintain a 3.5 gpa: students must also complete a minimum of twelve hours of community service/cultural events per semester.  
Now for the infamies handicapped tirade of the week. Let us talk about an issue everyone has. Having to use the restroom. Yes even handicapped people have to use the restroom. You are probably thinking there are handicapped stalls what is the big deal. The stalls are great but they are much less effective if a person can not get into the bathroom. The doors are too heavy. Restrooms with handicapped stalls need to automatic doors to get both in and out of the restroom. One more thing if you are an abled bodied person and there are regular stalls available please do not use the handicapped stalls. Apparatus such as wheelchairs and walkers do not fit in regular stalls thus making it difficult or impossible for disabled people to use them. Ok that is enough complaining for one entry,
One more thing not but it is not a complaint. Not only has this week been different in the work load but it has also been different in the fact that there have been no major adventures at school. Of course it is only Thursday morning and adventures can happen at anytime because everyday is an adventure.